Kelley Minish
My art is inspired by a life-long love of the natural world. I reverently wonder how natural treasures I find may radiate their innate beauty in new delightful ways, as I form them into combinations that bring me joy, and connect me to myself and to Creation.
As a child growing up in Manitoba, I recall my happy place was spending long hours outdoors, in the garden and woods, exploring and collecting leaves, rocks, and other precious items, and making them into art collages and intricate arrangements to display in my room.
Now, decades later, after recently retiring from a career in family medicine, I am re-discovering the child-like wonder of imagining natural elements into new creations with new skills I’ve been acquiring along the way.
This new creative space in my life started initially with a re-encounter with clay, which I had fallen in love with in 1980 as a student at Pearson College, where Robin Hopper had been my first pottery teacher. The deep grounding that occurs with centering and forming clay has been foundational for me, and has led to further curiosity as to how clay may offer structure, and combine with objects I discover along our shorelines, and the fibres growing in my garden, to create a variety of new and delightful forms.
I am a recent addition to this innovative group of Fibres and Beyond artists, and already they have been a source of whole-hearted encouragement, and deep inspiration. I look forward to journeying with them, by grace, through the NEXT 20 years!